Archive for leprechaun

Vote Venkman/Stantz 2008!!!

Posted in Geeky, News/Current Events, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 17, 2008 by dan

For a first thought, I ask you:

Who better to lead us in these difficult times than self-starting entrepeneur scientist adventurers The Ghostbusters?  They made their own business from scratch!  They never backed down from a fight, even when anyone else would rightfully shit themselves (Slimer was pretty much the only ghost that wasnt really scary looking).  When Gozer the Gozarian was about to bring unspeakable horror on the world, and all the cops and firemen and FBI and army guys were all standing around like “what do we do,” the Ghostbusters were begging to get in there and fight.  When Vigo the Carpathian locked New York in the grip of hate-filled spirit/monsters, what did the Ghostbusters do?  Did they run around trying to catch each single ghost?  Did they just shrug and say screw it?  Nope.  They supernaturally animated the Statue of Liberty.  That wouldn’t even occur to the rest of us!

And of course, the leaders of the Ghostbuster are Peter Venkman and Ray Stantz.  This is no knock on Egon or Winston.  Egon is the brains of the outfit; without him they wouldn’t have their cool EP detectors or the proton packs or the trap devices.  And Winston is the sheer guts of the team.  He’d never met these guys, he has no idea how the science works, yet he’s always ready to throw himself into whatever crazy ass situation they’re in.

But Venkman and Stantz are the natural leaders.  It’s just that simple.  And they are the two people who should be in the White House (and don’t give me any crap about them being fake; all politicians are fake!).


Second point is more of a question.

It being the Halloween season, it’s about time to get into the Monster vs. Monster discussions we all love.  And this time, I feel we should add the Ghostbusters to the mix.  So, to start us off:

Ghostbusters vs. Jason–could their traps capture his soul?  would he escape the containment and run wild as an intangible ghost? 

Leprechaun vs. Chucky–no size advantage, but Leprechaun is magic, so there’s an advantage (which begs the question, why did Lep use his magic so inconsistently?  he should be unbeatable)

Ash vs. Night of the Living Dead (series)–so this would include any “of the Dead” movie or remake (and really any zombie film; they all ripped off the idea).  I know I would feel pretty confident if I was in a boarded up house surrounded by zombies and Ashley “Ash” Williams was attaching a chainsaw to his handless arm, talking shit on zombies and shotgun-blasting their dicks off.

What others you guys got?